By Paula R. Bryant I was thrilled last week when I realized God’s perfect timing as I was writing my blog post for “Paula’s Inspirations.” As my heart was flowing onto paper about “The Time of Separation,” the Lord gave me a beautiful pause. I realized the timing of my current writings—separation, and then moving into the next phase of one’s journey—to the Feast of Passover. Without planning it, in both timing and theme my blogs were consistent with what had taken place thousands of years ago. How so, and how is this relevant now? The Passover story recorded in Exodus 12:1‒51 recalls among other things the final instructions God gave to Moses and Aaron for the last meal the Israelites would eat in Egypt. He also told them what the people needed to do, so that He would “pass over” their homes during the tenth of ten plaques upon Egypt, during which “all the firstborn” of Egypt died (vv. 12‒13). One of the primary instructions was to take a male lamb “without blemish” from the flock for each house, and keep it separated from the tenth day until the fourteenth day of the month of Nissan. Then at twilight on Nissan 14, they were to kill the lamb and strike its blood on the two side posts and the upper door post of their house. In doing so, the deathly plaque would miraculously “pass over” them. Why am I pausing with you this week to remember the Lord’s Passover? Because it was an historic event, not only for the Jewish people, but ultimately for ALL people. Generations later, Jesus Christ would be crucified during the Passover feast, in the same timing of the ancient event in Egypt (see John 12:1, 12; chapter 13:1‒3; chapter 18:1, 12‒13, 24, 28‒29; 38‒40; and chapter 19). What did the shedding of His blood do for all who receive Him? Because Jesus shed His blood on a tree, died, and rose again, He broke the power of sin and death over humanity once and for all! When we belong to Him, the curse of death “passes over” us! In Egypt, God established the power of the blood of an innocent lamb. In Jerusalem, He demonstrated the power of the blood of His only begotten Son, His chosen lamb, Yeshua (Jesus)! (Take some time to read and study John 1:29; John chapters 11-21; 1 Peter 1:17‒21; Revelation 5:1-14; and Isaiah 52‒53.) I encourage you to read these passages slowly with an open heart, taking notes as you go, so that you can look into things more deeply. I don’t know about you, but having experienced the power of the Lord time and time again on my Path of Inspiration, I am exhilarated when I consider the Passover story! The power of Passover is as relevant for all people today as it was for the Jewish people when God delivered them out of Egypt. Think about it. What did God deliver you out of when you first received Jesus? My life was literally transformed from the moment I truly gave my heart to Him back in 1984. (For the record, that was about ten years before I was offered my first full-time writing position, which I’m sharing about now in my blogs.)
Since you received Him, how has the Lord changed you—from the inside, out? Because your moment of salvation was your first moment of IncepSpiration! (See my first blog dated 3/28/16.) From the moment you received the Lord, God put you on His Path of Inspiration for your life and led you forward. I’ll leave you with this thought. Right before giving Moses and Aaron instructions about the first Passover, Exodus 12:2 says the Lord told them, “…‘This month will be the beginning of months for you: it will be the first month of the year for you.’ ” At the speaking of these words, the children of Israel had been in slavery in Egypt for 430 years (vv. 40‒41). But it was time to permanently separate them from their former life and lead them into the next phase of their walk with Him. It was time for the nation to get on God’s new path and head into their promised future. So, I say to you--today is the first day of the rest of your life! Especially in this Passover season, remember the power of the blood of Jesus and all the Lord has done for you. Devote yourself to Him: body, soul, and spirit. Dedicate yourself to Him completely. Start fresh! Begin again! Set yourself to worship God and walk on your Path of Inspiration daily, hourly…moment by moment. Remember, He has led you this far, not to leave you in-between, but to lead you all the way to your destination! As He unfolds your Path of Inspiration, take each step with expectation. Know that on this path you’re going to do things you never imagined and inherit everything He has for you.
Paula R. Bryant
December 2024
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